The city of Pune receives medium rainfall. However, it is located at the foothills of the Sahyadri mountains that form the source of major Indian Peninsular rivers. The mountains received over 6000 mm of rains in the monsoon. The Sahyadri divides this precipitation into two regions, one half being diverted to the Arabian sea and the other draining in to the Bay of Bengal. Most of the rainfall to the East of the Sahyadri is dammed. However, there is enormous land in the free catchment which still reaches the rivers. Pune city has five rivers, Mula, Mutha, Ramnadi, Devnadi and Pavana that join up to form the Mula-Mutha. In short, water flows into Pune from 5 different catchments and there is only one outlet to that, the Mula-Mutha river. Pune’s topography is saucer shaped, which leads to water gushing down from different directions from the catchments when it rains heavily. This water must normally reach the rivers, but the urban sprawl has now changed the natural contours and flow...