May - June 2023 Issue
Recycling Sapling Bags : Manjushri Parasnis : The lady who maintains my garden had a problem. She didn’t know what to do with all the plastic sapling bags that came from the plant nursery after she transplanted the saplings into the soil. She said she keeps collecting heaps of these, and by now there is a room full of the sapling bags. So, I told her to bring a bag full for me to think about... The street- tree! : Shubha Kulkarni : A tree like a tortoise, mostly lives for a long time. The immovability I think saves a lot of their energy, which leads to longer lives. And in that lifespan, I am sure they witness a lot. The tallest branch hosting the highest leaf, always trying to get the rays of the sun to the grounded roots reaching out to the sub surface water beneath- a tree is a total institution of life. With just taking enough and giving away everything else- this epitome of life has so much to teach us... Coastal 2.0 – ES Project Update : Parul Lakhani Ghuge : In 1995,...